


demo cass. 1994
Before there was the Weird Lovemakers there was Irving. It was Petix and Gerard with Bob Fanning (the Fells, Bob Fanning Trio) on bass and another guitarist. A lot of these songs would end up being early Weird Lovemakers songs, but here they’re recorded in a more primitive minimal fashion. Most of the rest of these songs are early Petix gems that I hadn’t heard until I recently found this demo on Jason Willis’s “Demo Ape” blog site. The first time I saw Petix he was playing in a band called the Blink Dogs at a party in a one room house behind the Circle K at Speedway and 6th. He had a full beard and mustache and a big Jew-fro, but half of his head and face was shaved vertically, including his eyebrow so he looked like some kind of super villain from a comic book, which is probably the highest complement you could give him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to be able to listen to this again. Tucson should erect a statue of Petix in front of the old Bookman's.
