

Malignus Youth

Ephemeral--Missa Brevis ('89-'94, released on CD '98)--Practice '88
Most people either loved or hated Malignus Youth. I think they had one of the most unique approaches to the hardcore punk genre ever and expanded the elements of speed and melody in ways no band had done before or has done since. So you know which camp I’m in and a lot of their hardcore fans consider this posthumous release their masterpiece because it contains “the Mass,” songs 18-23, a hardcore/punk interpretation of a Catholic Mass sung mostly in Latin. Yes, it’s weird and a lot of the punks had problems with the religious overtones, but love it or hate it you can’t deny the uniqueness of it. The songs that precede it are some of their great signature songs that never made it to vinyl. I also added a file that I found on Soulseek which contains older jam room versions of songs from their earlier vinyl releases, but without song titles.


  1. Be a part of the Malignus Youth Documentary!!!
