


Eat At Eds Cd 1992
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for pop-punk. Of course I love the first wave of Brit style power-pop like Buzzcocks and I really love the more-punk-than-pop sounds of bands like Sicko and Statues. J Church is one of my all time favorite bands, but that’s not what I’m talking about when I say pop-punk. I’m talking about the super sappy, heart-on-sleeve, every song is about a girl that broke your heart style pop-punk. G-Whiz perpetrated this style as well as their contemporaries in bands like Big Drill Car, Green Day, All, Chemical People, but never got the amount of attention those band did. Unlike most bands I write about from the early 90s they did extend their reach beyond Arizona. I’m pretty sure they were strictly based in Phoenix, but their singer used to live a few houses down from us when we had a punk house in Tucson’s Iron Horse neighborhood circa ’92-’93. I’m sure he and the rest of the neighbors were ready to give us the Feederz treatment (exile) by the time we all moved out of there. Four months later we had another punk house three blocks down in the same neighborhood and that place made the first place look like a children’s day-care center.

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