


7" 1998

Speaking of awesome bands Ryan Doten was in, here is the Scathe 7”. I don’t think Ryan was their original drummer and the guys in the band probably considered this Jeremy Tally’s (Bury Me Standing, the Bled) project, but Ryan’s the only guy I really knew from this band, so I mostly associate it with him. I consider them one of the first wave of Skrappys bands and the link between the older dudes playing heavy hardcore (Groundwork, Absinthe) and the younger dudes playing heavy hardcore (Bury Me Standing, the Bled) in Tucson. I got this from Ryan and he told me it was his only copy when he gave it to me. At the time Ryan was into drugs, and that might have factored into him giving this to me. Oddly enough they might have identified themselves as a straight edge band at the time. Even odder Ryan’s probably the only one of these guys that is straight today. Again I don’t really know the rest of these guys, so I may be wrong, but I do know that one of their singers “lost his edge” in a big way. This was the second release for Ronnie’s Code of Ethics Records who was always reliable for good hardcore and screamo records with great packaging.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is Mike Franklin. Thanks for putting this online! I was one of the singers in this band, and am really grateful to find this so many years later. Just an update for you. Ryan is very clean and doing well, Jeff Petroshus, the guitarist, is a family man as well, and doing good, currently not playing in any projects. Jeremy Talley, the guitarist, went on to do the Bled and now has a new project, Coma Prevail, which looks to be successful. Marty Moreno, the singer, is the singer of long time Tucson staples of rock, The Last Call Brawlers. Noah Harmon, the bassist, is now in radio rock band Airborne Toxic Event. I went on to get clean and form band holy!holy!holy!, an anarchist punk band that toured for a few years. I am now busy with two young anarchist kids of my own and working on viking throat singing. There is a little update for you!
